Sunday, January 26, 2014

Relation Of Sex And Sleep

Most men fall asleep after sex is a scientific reason behind the move . Indeed , the secretion of sex hormones in men after Oxitosin and the secretion of prolectin caused .

Besides the many reasons why men fall asleep after sex . In fact, during sexual intercourse increases the secretion of hormones in the body Oxitosin are relaxing experience . Secretion of prolactin lets them get back to sleep .

More women than men during sex more calories after which he felt tired . So even after the male sex to relax and fall asleep like this.

There is a strong linkage between sex and sleep . Sex is supposed to be very helpful for good sleep . The habit of men do not like women but men can control whether you can sleep immediately after sex .

Men fall asleep after sex is natural , because it is responsible for chemical changes that occur in men . Although men can either control your habit .

Several times to remove tension husband - the husband and wife intercourse after considerable relief and mental satisfaction sleepy husbands . Is said to relieve stress that sex is an important factor . Many times the fatigue and pressure men fall asleep after sex .

The men want to control your sleep and your partner happy after mating partner can increase the intensity of their relationship by giving quality time . Understand the importance of intimacy in their relationship with you


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