But little in life is taken away , then it could be cancer . So began showing early signs of cancer could be avoided by measures . In the first stage cancer chemotherapy so easily , can be treated by laser therapy and radiotherapy .
Can be as different forms of cancer in the body - mouth cancer, breast cancer , cervical cancer , stomach cancer, brain cancer , etc. . Symptoms of cancer in men over should not be ignored , let us tell you about the symptoms of cancer .
Symptoms of cancer in men -
People who have cancer seems to be unusually low weight .
Fever is a common symptom of cancer . Cancer patient's disease - the immune system becomes weak , the patient often seems to be a fever . Blood cancer , leukemia , etc., are often signs of fever .
Fatigue is a major symptom of cancer is considered . The patient is tired tired for no reason . Occasionally not even worth it to work with hands and feet .
Bone cancer or testicular cancer, cancer pain , ie pain signals . Patients with brain tumors seems to be complaining of a headache . The primary treatment of headache or medication that is not cured , it can be a symptom of brain tumor .
Unusual changes in the skin can be a sign of cancer . If a person's skin began to inexplicably dark or black so it could be a sign of cancer . Yellowing of the skin is also indicative of cancer .
If the pain when passing urine, blood in the urine or the presence of prostate cancer or ovarian cancer found that these can be symptoms .
Breasts have lumps in the breast cancer symptoms . Breast cancer is not only to women , men also come in grip .
Changes in the lymph nodes is also a sign of cancer . A lump or swelling in the lymph nodes in the neck or concern .
In cold and cough are inevitable , but if persistent phlegm coming four weeks, then it is a sign of cancer , should not negate it .
Have trouble swallowing is a symptom of cancer . So eat and drink to swallow right now , do not ignore it .

An area where bleeding is not likely to bleed . Cough , bowel movements , blood comes out during urination, so it may be a sign of cancer .
During the smoking and chewing tobacco stains and white patches in the mouth or tongue cancer symptoms can be spotted . The symptoms of oral cancer .
When the digestive system is also affected by cancer . If the food is not digested properly , then it could be a symptom of colon cancer .
Testicles Testicular cancer symptoms may be changing . Testicular cancer mostly occurs in 20 to 39 years old .
The early diagnosis of cancer treatment will be easier , as it is characterized by symptoms of cancer . If you notice symptoms of cancer, contact the doctor immediately .
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