Women are scared by the size of penis
Most sex from women so that they are running a large penis size is very scares . These women think that cause pain during intercourse the penis larger size . For this reason, many women live longer Virgin flee from or sex after marriage .

Not want to lose virginity
Main Virginity is too large point for women . They just lose it likes with his partner . That is why sex more than women give importance to oral sex .
Pain during sex
Usually women are very afraid of pain during sex . Get the pain as well as pleasure . But twice after sex women tend to Enjoy pain .

Women also are afraid of sex because they fear the most is unwanted pregnancy . Almost every woman is the fear of pregnancy . Male condom with a woman who likes sex is avoided . Of course , women do not like condoms during sex but there is always the fear of unwanted pregnancy .
Fear of Fart
There are many sex positions that are common to the Fart . Fart dinghy style sex position of women is common to come . These Normal
gaseous and not Fart Fart Vagina is caused by the changing position . Indeed , many sex positions during sex Vagina air is directed inside the air comes out in a few seconds but that does sound like Fart . Such a situation also undermines women to flee away from sex .
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