Friday, January 24, 2014

Sex Bomb Sherlyn Chopra Hot Sexy Playboy Girl On Coverpage

Sex itself - Bollywood item girl Sherlyn Chopra is the first Indian girl to say bomb which will appear on the cover of Play Boy said. Sherlyn has saved itself millions of times in Bollywood , but not frozen feet as much as possible. Now maybe freeze. Yes , Sherlyn world famous magazine " Play Boy " has been on the cover . Sherlyn duly declared to the fact that he will be on the cover of the next issue of Play Boy . Sherlyn said , I accepted an offer Hefner Play Boy boss and cover the five- day shoot is completed . I am proud that I was the first Indian to be on the cover of Play Boy am . Hefner tweeted that Sherlyn met a few days ago in Los Angeles was Mason . Also tweeted Hefner has confirmed this fact . Sherlyn with the Hefner posted on his Twitter a photo . The first Bollywood Girl Sherlyn who look sexy breast and Bates made ​​to fit silicone balls . January Sherlyn 's nude photos were released in 2012 . At the moment , Play Boy boss Hefner 's ' Guest' has become a considerable fuss . During the photo shoot Hefner became the guest of Play Boy Nude Sherlyn almost all the time spent practicing . And Hefner was happy to be fiercely Photo clicks . Sherilyn with Hefner at the Bevsaits than their photographs were taken during the LS Mason Nude photos have been released , we can not show you here .

Sherlyn 's real name is Mona . Mona Chopra Bollywood entry while he was known only by name . He later took the name Sherlyn . February 11 , 1984 Born in Hyderabad Hyderabad Sherlyn his early schooling from Stanley Girls High School . Few studies , however, find his mind and consists of 16 - have decided to turn to Bollywood . Bollywood struggled in Mumbai . The face was so beautiful , but she Body X - did not factor , which is necessary to become a Bollywood heroine . So Sherlyn modeling work began with the Size Zero . The Orchestra began in the songs . Gradually deposit mobilization and B - Grade began to act in films . Timepass , Red Swastik and Game films were similar . In 2002, he starred in the Hollywood movie beeper , but the point is made ​​. He veered tired defeat of the South . Arvindm worked in the Telugu film . Sherlyn 's game was almost over , but then fate took a U-turn and Big in 2009 - it was time for Brother Season -3 . Sherlyn fiercely exploited this platform . Now he became noticed in Bollywood . Although he realized that much of his breathless body judicially Bollywood extremities will get hit . So he decided to undergo cosmetic surgery of the breast and Butts . From front to back now , everything has to fit perfectly . In January 2012 , he made ​​public his beefy body . It was his first nude photo , which he released on Twitter . International magazines such as Play Boy came photographic work and his body now - got the chance to prove talent .

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