Saturday, January 18, 2014

First Honeymoon or First wedding night

Honeymoon or wedding night , every new couple wants to make it memorable moment . But in the minds of young couples on honeymoon is reluctant and hesitant . If you want to make this night truly memorable nice time with your partner .
wedding night, are deeply concerned about the male sex . They are very concerned about the fact that they are able to keep your partner happy or not. They fear that somewhere there is a mistake of the night does not give them problems for all ages . So we tell you to enjoy a complete moment away from the most important concern is that .

First wedding night sex -
Not necessarily the first night of married men to take the initiative . You can also start together . This will not be a concern in the minds of some sort .
Honeymoon should avoid having more curious . Keep in normal behavior . Do not cherish a lot of dreams . Accept her innate sense that night .
Talk to your partner before having sexual well . Take out all your doubts before if not resolved through negotiations remain annoyance in mind during sex . Do not rush any kind .

Husband - wife relationship between are for life , so the beginning of the good things is good . So in the beginning is good to have sex with your partner to talk to . Some talk about their shared future . Overall try to know your partner . Then all you will be enjoying sex .
Do not suddenly try to make same-sex relationship . It makes your partner feel uncomfortable and he will give you all done with .
Give your partner the surprise of the night , someone give gifts to your loved partner . The night romantic honeymoon packages, sexy dress and glamorous costumes can give as gift .
If you are thinking that it is wrong to talk about sex wedding night, then you are wrong . Before you have sex with your partner can make her feel comfortable talking about it . It will not have any negative effect on your image .

Happy honeymoon jewelry can also partner . Women are the most preferred jewelry .
By sex of Foreplay before . In Foreplay by actions to stimulate you and your partner . Through Foreplay by partner happy .
Pick a seat , which are comfortable during sex . The night to avoid new experiment .

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